Posts Tagged literature
No one can agree about a single element in this story. It really is like a Choose Your Own Adventure. Will you regard the Book of Jonah as a kind of trailer for the New Testament, like the early Church[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It seems Hans was unlucky in love himself, and knew what it was to value above all else someone who just wasn’t that into him.
No, I’m not going to post the whole thing again. But I am pleased with how this came out. Compare the original version.
The quote is from the unfortunately named Hyman Fingert. Maybe if you have a name like Hyman Fingert it’s inevitable that you’ll become a psychoanalyst and see sex organs in everything.
Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s Jonah all in one place, finally. Like him and the Ninevites, we all have much to be thankful for.