Posts Tagged everything else
Inspired in part by a comic I drew in despair four years ago. I’m feeling better today than I was then.
They pumped me full of gadolinium to get a better view of my innards. I admit that I was a bit unnerved at the thought of being injected with dye, but it went OK.
People are talking about Shapiro’s bookshelf display, but not nearly enough! Some commenters have pointed out that the clock is set to 1:45, possibly signifying “one term for 45.” That’s a bit of a reach but not much of one.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In the book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah’s blunt prophesying pisses off the priest Pashur, who has him put in the stocks. Jeremiah comes back and informs Pashur that God has changed his name: he is no longer Pashur but Magor Missabib,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I can’t bring myself to kill them, so I spend all summer flailing at them, trying to herd them out the window. But I kind of respect the ones that have hung on this long, they can stick around.
I don’t remember this “get enthusiastic about fall, yahoo sweater weather” stuff being a thing five years ago, do you? I try to enjoy fall but the days are shrinking and winter is looming so mostly it puts me in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…