I really do thank you for understanding, and for being here at all. I like to share this little space with you.
Posts Tagged everything else
Well, I got to leave the apartment a few times, anyway. But after this, no more. I’ve learned my lesson.
It’s an odd feature of English that the possessive forms of pronouns don’t take an apostrophe. I don’t know why this is, but we’re stuck with it now. When you see an apostrophe used with a pronoun (he’s, we’re), you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Remember my hideous benign growth? Sure you do! Annabel, my therapist, likes to talk about various things being part of my process, meaning my process as a writer. Flailing is part of my process, and feeling certain everyone will hate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Now, Merriam-Webster says it’s two words, copy editor, but The Chicago Manual of Style says it’s one, and they are both considered authoritative in my line of work, so really you get to choose. I have decided to go with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t remember what end of the train to get off at or what flight of stairs to take, I’m wandering around, bumping into pillars, I’m a mess.
Use the comments to make unsubstantiated allegations about the bullshit your fans supposedly agree with you about!