Posts Tagged Bela
A pair of conjoined fighting fish like the ones in the last panel would probably end up killing each other, unless they were like Bela and felt threatened only by dark, square objects. Then they could live peaceably together.
For those of you surfing in looking for “dysthymia,” this is what the other thing looks like. It is possible.
Of course Bela must be mistaken, as only populations can evolve; individual creatures cannot. He’s actually quite erudite given that his brain is the size of a comma.
They’re territorial predators, so when they see movement their first thought is, “Can I eat it?” Their second thought, like the Great Cornholio’s, is, “Are you threatening me?” You know who else stares? My four-month-old niece, Luna. When she gets[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Bonus links: Surprisingly erotic betta mating. Note how the female is temporarily paralyzed after expelling the eggs, which gives the male a head start on grabbing them and sticking them into the bubble nest before she can eat them. My[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today Bela started constructing a bubble nest, which is what bettas keep their eggs and young fry in to protect them. I think he is better prepared for romance than I am.
I bought Bela on Friday; he is a Rosh Hashana fish. Today I put a little heater in his tank to keep it balmy, and he has been performing his threat display at it for hours.