Posts Tagged Bela
Chuck Close said this, which is one of the most helpful things I have ever heard anyone say about the creative life.
Since I recently namechecked my vagina, I figured I might as well produce another gendered comic. Of course I exaggerate slightly; I have only one pet of my own, and had to borrow Strudel the cat from a friend.
I already have plenty of anti-Christmas cards for sale in my store; this amorous red crowntail and his bubble nest are ready to greet your favorite shapes anytime of the year. He comes on a half-fold (5.5-by-8-inch) card that’s blank[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I did not actually attempt to take Bela on the plane with me when I went to my cousin’s wedding this past weekend. I’m guessing the change in pressure would not be good for him. Maybe it would make his[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
See also. Also, I was wrong about hobbito being the Japanese for hobbit. The correct spelling is hobitto. So close!
Emotionally abnormal, that is. Given that fish don’t have frontal lobes, it’s either amazing how much personality Bela has or amazing how much personality I manage to project onto him.
Bela’s little fan cools the tank quite nicely, and he doesn’t seem to find it threatening, possibly because it is not square like the hated alarm clock.
Betta eggs and fry are cared for exclusively by their father, who is less likely to devour them. This is why there is no betta Harry Harlow.