Psychosomatic Chest Pain
I’ve been having it for a few days now, apropos of pretty much nothing as far as I can tell. It’s a drag. I’ve been meaning to shop around for a good therapist to help me with anxiety specifically, but so far I haven’t gotten any good recommendations. Has anyone out there had success with treatment for anxiety?
Hi Eyeteeth. Been a while since I checked your page. I hope you are doing fine.
I found a really helpful book that helped my anxiety – When Panic Attacks, by Aine Tuberdy. It spends a good half of the book literally going through the mechanism that Anxiety works showing that an attack actually begins a little while before you feel it, and the process it uses to feed itself. Then the latter half of the book goes though techniques to rob the attack of the energy it needs to cripple you.
I highly recommend it as it’s helped me. If you try it, I hope it works for you
Have a great day. Love your work.
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
I don’t know how old you are, but could you be in perimenopause? Heart palpitations, chest pain, and general anxiety disorder are all peri symptoms. You could talk to your doctor about getting your hormone, thyroid, and vitamin levels checked.
I am at about the right age, but I’ve been getting this particular pain once in a great while since college, so I don’t think that’s it. And I’ve been anxious all my life!