Nineveh, That Great Kitty
Putting this together took it out of me, and I don’t have a handy link for comics featuring Nineveh the cat, but here’s the complete first draft of my book of Jonah, wherein you can see Nineveh the city, and here’s the comic where I sing to her.
May her memory be a blessing.
My condolences on the loss of your friend
I am so sad to hear this. I presume it was Nineveh who EMOTIONALLY didn’t get fed for 600 years. I say this often thanks to you (and Nineveh) – “emotionally, it’s true.”
Haha, no, that’s my dear departed Attica, who was assigned to me via the Cat Distribution System on a frigid winter’s day many years ago. She was from all appearances freezing to death on a sidewalk in Brooklyn when I happened along. I did what you should never do in New York and made eye contact, whereupon she yelled at me, clearly saying FIX THIS. So I did. But you can see little Nin in some of my other comics, most recently this one (which is not horrible, despite the title):